
What is SmartClixx?

SmartClixx is a gift card provider and payment gateway used to issue, charge against, check balances, and other miscellaneous gift card transactions.

What does this integration include?

This SmartClixx integration enables Manhattan Active to support the following features:

  • Physical Gift Card activation
  • Electronic Gift Card activation
  • Settlement (Capture) of Gift Card Funds
  • Authorization Reversal of Gift Card Funds

Physical Gift Card Activation

When physical gift cards are added to the order, they are fulfilled by a fulfillment center who scans the card during picking to add the serial number (card number) to the order. This information is passed back to Active Omni on the Order Event (ship confirmation) message. An interface is used to relay the Gift Card Activation request to SmartClixx in the required format. The MAO generates the activation call, consumes the response, and passes the order event message along to mark the physical gift card as shipped.

Electronic Gift Card Activation

When electronic gift cards are added to the order, they are fulfilled virtually through integration with SmartClixx. Active Omni sends a request to SmartClixx to retrieve a card number and CVV2 value from SmartClixx. This information is passed back to Active Omni in the response and used to generate the next call, Activate, to load value to the card. Once the response is received back, the App forms an Order Event message that completes the lifecycle of the order line(s) with the card number and CVV2 value included.

Gift Card Settlement

When parts of the order ship, Active Omni reaches out to SmartClixx to inform them that the gift card has less funds available. Each shipment that occurs results in an individual settlement (capture) transaction reaching out to SmartClixx, further reducing the available funds remaining on the gift card.

Authorization Reversal

When an order is canceled or partially canceled, SmartClixx expects an authorization reversal transaction initiated from Active Omni to release the funds. Active Omni calls SmartClixx on a scheduled basis to perform authorization reversal to remove the hold on the gift card funds.